We'd like to inform you about forthcoming Lavazza price rises at Piano Coffee. We have not increased our base prices on beans for the past 4 years, but a number of factors have now prompted a review:
The global price of coffee has skyrocketed this year due to a number of factors. This has led to a notable increase in our buy prices from Lavazza.
An ongoing shortage of delivery drivers has led to our freight costs increasing.
Warehousing costs have also crept up over time which has also affected our margins.
Which prices will increase?
All of our Lavazza Coffee products will be subject to some level of increase. Our award winning Piano Coffee products Luisa and Francesco will not be subject to any increase at this time.
When will prices increase?
New prices will take effect on Friday November 5th 2021.
How much will prices increase by?
Depending on the origin of the bean, different Lavazza products will be subject to different levels of increase. Check the website on November 5th for details.
What are you doing to remain competitive?
All UK Lavazza partners will be subject to the same buy-price increases. Wherever possible we'll try to match any advertised price* on equivalent Lavazza beans in the UK. If you can find your favourite blend at a better price, please let us know and we'll do our best to help.
As always - we're at your service so feel free to, contact us at any time.
Forthcoming Lavazza Price Rises | Commencing November 5th 2021