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Piano Supports Shelter from the Storm this Christmas

Homelessness is a persistent problem in our society, particularly in these austere times. There is never a good time to be homeless, but the Holiday Season always puts the plight of people living on the streets in sharper relief.

There are many reasons why a person may become homeless: job loss, domestic violence, abuse, drug or alcohol dependency, physical or mental health issues, learning difficulties or a combination of such factors. As you may know, a large percentage of homeless people are drawn to London.

We are all aware of this issue, but may find it hard to know how best to express our concern. A great way of helping is to donate time or money to Shelter From The Storm – London’s only all year round free homeless shelter.

SFTS provides a safe environment, food and a warm bed for 36 guests, (18 female and 18 male), every night of the year. The project relies entirely on donations and the good will of its volunteers. Through the generosity of donors and the great work of the Shelter team, SFTS provides a genuine chance for people to take their first steps towards returning to the heart of society, rather than being condemned to the periphery.

Piano Coffee is a supporter of the SFTS project. Please take time to visit their website to understand more about their work and perhaps to consider giving a donation of time or money.